update a_goods_style s set s.STYLE_IMG=(select STYLE_SKC_IMG from (select a.STYLE_ID, b.STYLE_SKC_IMG from a_goods_style a inner join (select style_id, max(STYLE_SKC_IMG) STYLE_SKC_IMG from a_goods_style_skc where STYLE_SKC_IMG != '无' and STYLE_SKC_IMG is not null group by style_id) b on a.STYLE_ID = b.STYLE_ID where a.STYLE_IMG is null or STYLE_IMG = '无') a where s.STYLE_ID = a.STYLE_ID) WHERE STYLE_IMG is null or STYLE_IMG = '无' and exists(select 1 from (select a.STYLE_ID, b.STYLE_SKC_IMG from a_goods_style a inner join (select style_id, max(STYLE_SKC_IMG) STYLE_SKC_IMG from a_goods_style_skc where STYLE_SKC_IMG != '无' and STYLE_SKC_IMG is not null group by style_id) b on a.STYLE_ID = b.STYLE_ID where a.STYLE_IMG is null or STYLE_IMG = '无')); commit;
【一】.钩子文件的设置和创建(1).打开hooks目录,可以看到有一个post-commit.tmpl文件,这是一个模板文件。复制一份,重命名为post-commit,将其用户组设为www,并设置为可执行。chown www:www post-commitchmod +x post-commit(2...
1.全局用户信息设置 git config --global user.name gaojiufeng git config --global user.email 392223903...
Application 对象用于存储和访问来自任意页面的变量,类似 Session 对象。不同之处在于所有的用户分享一个 Application 对象,而 session 对象和用户的关系是一一对应的。很多的书籍中介绍的Application对象都喜欢以统计在线人数来介绍Application 对象...
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1.关机Process.Start("shutdown", "-s -t 0"); 2. 注销 Proc...